Purely Bathrooms Ltd
What Purely Bathrooms Ltd say about their business
An excerpt from their website:
At Purely Bathrooms we really know what we’re talking about, which means visitors to our bathroom showroom in Lancaster have all the help they could possibly want or need. Customer Service is our number one priority and we go above and beyond to help every customer find bathroom solutions no matter what style or budget of bathroom they’re buying. Baths, showers, accessories, furniture and more. We’ve worked hard to find the most comprehensive range of bathroom products in the area to display in our inspiring showroom. We’ll have everything you need for your perfect bathroom; from cutting edge to traditional, there’s something for everyone.
01524 846454 info@purelysimplylovely.com https://purelysimplylovely.com/
Ellwood Hall, Slyne Road, Lancaster, LA1 2HU
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