Oswestry Kitchens and Bathrooms
What Oswestry Kitchens and Bathrooms say about their business
An excerpt from their website:
We are independently owned and run with years of experience throughout our team. Ben and Michael have worked together for many years, where Ben has designed, supplied and Michael has then installed.
In March 2021 we acquired our premises and set out to put our experience to our own use and build on what we had already worked so hard to achieve, our reputation! Both with young families it was a huge step to take, but with the support of our suppliers who we had dealt with before we have built an offering that will come second to none. Welcome to our Dream, we hope we can help you achieve a stunning individual space in your home!
01691 658500 enquiries@okb-ltd.co.uk https://www.okb-ltd.co.uk/
Units 9 Maesbury Road, Maesbury Road Industrial Estate, Oswestry SY10 8HA
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